miércoles, 30 de junio de 2021

English Language Challenges

Hello everyone!

As you know this will be our last blog, so I'll tell you about my experience in the English course this semester.

First of all, I feel that my experience learning English at the university has been quite good, I have learned some things that I didn't know before and I have practiced my pronunciation a little more. However, I wish there were more opportunities to speak English with my classmates, I feel that if the videos we have to record could be done in pairs, establishing a dialogue with this person, it would be much more entertaining and we could improve our pronunciation even more.

Secondly, I found the use of blogs quite convenient, I think the site is easy to use and I also feel that this type of activity encourages our creative side and helps us to learn new words and investigate how certain things are spelled.

Thirdly, although I feel that I have improved a bit in my English, I feel that I still have a long way to go to reach the level I want to reach. I would like to learn more words and get better at creating sentences in everyday conversations, because when I am in a conversation with another person in English, I manage to understand most of what the other person is talking about, however, when it comes to generating a response I draw a blank. I have planned to improve on this in the next semester and also to take some English course outside of the university later on.

Fourthly and lastly, apart from classes I usually use English when listening to songs and singing them in English, I have always been a big fan of music, and knowing some English helps me to understand the meaning of the songs of my favorite artists.

Thanks, until next time :3!

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2021

Changes to my study programe

 Hello everyone!

In this oportunity I will talk about I would change my study plan. I have never really questioned myself about what I would change about my program of study.

Actually my study programe is follows:

Within the subjects that I have already taken, most of them seem quite relevant, however, the subjects of social history and epistemology of social sciences seemed to me a little extra, I do not consider that they have contributed much in my training as a professional, therefore, I would add them as optional subjects and not as part of the mandatory subjects of the career.

With respect to the academic load I have to say two things, first, I feel that, being studying in an online context, I consider that 3 hours of classes is too much, because it tires the eyes and concentration is lost. Secondly, even though there are quite a lot of evaluations and I have little free time at the moment, I feel that the workload is quite adequate for the amount of subjects I am currently studying. 

Since I am studying online, the teachers make a greater use of technology than would normally be the case, since in synchronous classes they project videos, documentaries, audios, or other support materials that help me to better understand the subject they are teaching. For this reason, I consider that the current teaching method is quite good, since there is a lot of interaction with the students, which produces a more dynamic relationship and a greater desire to learn.

As I mentioned before, so far my university experience has been only through screens, therefore, I still do not know the faculty, so I can't give my opinion about its buildings or infrastructure.

That's all, thank you very much for reading, see you in the next blog!

domingo, 13 de junio de 2021

Post Graduated Studies

Hello everyone!

In this blog I'll tell you about the future. What I plan to do when I finish my career?

I have thought about it a lot, and I have concluded that I would like to study a full-time either a master's or doctorate degree in clinical psychology, neuroscience area or criminology area at Yale University in United States.

I still can't decide in which of the three areas mentioned above I would like to specialize, as they all appeal to me in one way or another.

In the first place, clinical psychology interests me because I like the intimate relationship I have with each of my patients. In addition, I feel that many interesting things can be discovered by observing different people (with their different realities and life experiences) who have the same or similar disorders. Secondly, I find the area of neuroscience really amazing, since I love biology, especially how the brain works and all that is involved in its malfunction. Thirdly and lastly, criminology is within my options since, some years ago I started to watch videos of real police cases, and I was very interested in how everything related to this subject works, and how interesting and creepy the psychological profiles of some criminals are.

I would like to study at Yale because my father did a postdoctoral degree there, and I also like their study programs. Another reason to study in the United States is because I would like to go back to the country where I was born, because even though I was born and raised there during the first years of my life, my memories of that time are blurred, so with this experience of studying in one of the most important universities in the world, it should remain in my memory.

Thanks for reading this blog, until next time :3!

lunes, 24 de mayo de 2021

My Future Job

 Hello everyone!!

Today i will talk about my future job. 

In the future I would like to work in the clinical area of psychology, or in the area of criminology or forensic psychology. For this I would work in an office within a hospital or similar, although I would also like to open my own practice. Regarding what I would like my work space to be like, well...I would love to work in an office that has nice views and a big window through which, lots of light comes in, the place would have to be spacious and decorated in a homey way, so that when patients come in they feel comfortable and at home. In addition, I would like to have several plants and decorative pictures.

One of the things that interests me most in life is research, especially investigating different realities and types of people, so I would like to travel in different parts of the world, so if my job allows me to travel I would be very grateful.

Regarding the salary, I would like it to be enough for my transportation and living expenses, as well as to treat myself once in a while and be able to travel.

Actually I'm studying psychology, and in the future I would like to deepen my knowledge in the clinical or forensic area (as I said before), so I am planning to do a master's or doctorate outside the country.

That's all, se you later! :3

martes, 11 de mayo de 2021


Hello again!

Today I will talk about what it is like to study psychology at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Chile in times of pandemic. 

The reason why I choose this career stars when before to take the PSU, I had an existential crisis, where I was very interested in the area of Psychology, the human mind and everything related with it. Later I understood that psychology is present in everything we do. Now I can say that I like it because through the understanding of this discipline we can understand ourselves.

The truth is that studying online is not easy at all, sometimes the connection fails, which makes it impossible to continue studying or doing work. Therefore, my experience at the University has been somewhat chaotic, but in spite of everything, I have liked a lot the classes and topics that I have learned.

At the moment, one of my favorite subject has been  "basic learning processes", because I think it is interesting to know what are the mechanisms of which we learn different things, and how they define, to some extent, the way that we will behave in certain situations.

In the future I would like to work in the clinical or forensic area, and conduct research that brings new knowledge to psychology.

Thanks for reading this blog, until next time :3!

miércoles, 28 de abril de 2021

Mental health Problems related to a lockdown


Due to the confinement, the disorders have increased considerably, personally this has also affected me, since the quarantine was decreed last year I have had some episodes of anxiety crises and a lot of stress.

To relax and be able to cope with everything I like to listen to music or paint, my mind clears considerably when I do these activities, since I enjoy them very much.

The confinement has definitely become a very relevant fact for our lives, since it changed everything we were used to, I believe that the pandemic is not only a new disease, but also a kind of test, since it put us in a difficult and unknown situation for us who, by nature are social beings, however, thanks to this we have had to reduce our interactions with society considerably, which obviously has consequences in our mental health.

When the pandemic is over I would like to get together with my friends, since I haven't seen some of them for more than a year, and I would also like to visit my grandmother and get to know the faculty.

martes, 20 de abril de 2021

The best holidays ever


My best vacation was on March 2015, I visited Mexico for almost two weeks with my family for a wedding of my parents' friend.

It was one of the best vacations I have had so far because I got to know a different country and I did many activities that I had not done before, for example, going to KidZania or getting on a trajinera and sailing through the canals of Xochimilco. However, what impressed me most was when I visited Teotihuacan, a place where the pyramids are located, not only I saw them close it, also I literally climbed one!, the views up there were really beautiful, I will never forget that experience.

Of all the pyramids I remember the name of two, the pyramid of the moon, and the pyramid of the sun, the latter was the highest, and the one that allows to be climbed. in this place there were also ruins of ancient civilizations and people selling necklaces, magnets, key chains and souvenirs with pyramid themes.

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English Language Challenges

Hello everyone! As you know this will be our last blog, so I'll tell you about my experience in the English course this semester. Firs...