miércoles, 23 de junio de 2021

Changes to my study programe

 Hello everyone!

In this oportunity I will talk about I would change my study plan. I have never really questioned myself about what I would change about my program of study.

Actually my study programe is follows:

Within the subjects that I have already taken, most of them seem quite relevant, however, the subjects of social history and epistemology of social sciences seemed to me a little extra, I do not consider that they have contributed much in my training as a professional, therefore, I would add them as optional subjects and not as part of the mandatory subjects of the career.

With respect to the academic load I have to say two things, first, I feel that, being studying in an online context, I consider that 3 hours of classes is too much, because it tires the eyes and concentration is lost. Secondly, even though there are quite a lot of evaluations and I have little free time at the moment, I feel that the workload is quite adequate for the amount of subjects I am currently studying. 

Since I am studying online, the teachers make a greater use of technology than would normally be the case, since in synchronous classes they project videos, documentaries, audios, or other support materials that help me to better understand the subject they are teaching. For this reason, I consider that the current teaching method is quite good, since there is a lot of interaction with the students, which produces a more dynamic relationship and a greater desire to learn.

As I mentioned before, so far my university experience has been only through screens, therefore, I still do not know the faculty, so I can't give my opinion about its buildings or infrastructure.

That's all, thank you very much for reading, see you in the next blog!

1 comentario:

  1. We have many things in common! there are some subjects that are a bit extra. Regards!


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