martes, 13 de abril de 2021

The country that I would like to visit

Japan is a country that I would really like to visit, because I am very interested in its culture, customs and the technological advances they have. In addition, since I started to watch anime and reading manga, a couple of years ago, I got interest to visit the country where all those stories were created.

If I had the opportunity to travel to this country, I plan to visit some temples, monuments and touristic places, besides knowing more about their culture and customs. As I said before, one of the reasons why I am interested in Japan is because of the anime and manga, so if I could, I like to meet some mangaka of the stories that I like.

I know that in this country there are many beautiful places to visit, besides the traditions and the language can be quite different depending of the area where you are. In addition to this, I also know that Buddhism is the main religion of the population and I would like to visit the temples.

At the moment I have only thought of going there as a tourist, I don't have plans to live, study or work there. However, as it is a different country and culture from mine I would be interested to know about the psychological problems that the most people are been affected, so I might start some psychological research regarding this topic.

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