martes, 20 de abril de 2021

The best holidays ever


My best vacation was on March 2015, I visited Mexico for almost two weeks with my family for a wedding of my parents' friend.

It was one of the best vacations I have had so far because I got to know a different country and I did many activities that I had not done before, for example, going to KidZania or getting on a trajinera and sailing through the canals of Xochimilco. However, what impressed me most was when I visited Teotihuacan, a place where the pyramids are located, not only I saw them close it, also I literally climbed one!, the views up there were really beautiful, I will never forget that experience.

Of all the pyramids I remember the name of two, the pyramid of the moon, and the pyramid of the sun, the latter was the highest, and the one that allows to be climbed. in this place there were also ruins of ancient civilizations and people selling necklaces, magnets, key chains and souvenirs with pyramid themes.

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English Language Challenges

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