miércoles, 28 de abril de 2021

Mental health Problems related to a lockdown


Due to the confinement, the disorders have increased considerably, personally this has also affected me, since the quarantine was decreed last year I have had some episodes of anxiety crises and a lot of stress.

To relax and be able to cope with everything I like to listen to music or paint, my mind clears considerably when I do these activities, since I enjoy them very much.

The confinement has definitely become a very relevant fact for our lives, since it changed everything we were used to, I believe that the pandemic is not only a new disease, but also a kind of test, since it put us in a difficult and unknown situation for us who, by nature are social beings, however, thanks to this we have had to reduce our interactions with society considerably, which obviously has consequences in our mental health.

When the pandemic is over I would like to get together with my friends, since I haven't seen some of them for more than a year, and I would also like to visit my grandmother and get to know the faculty.

1 comentario:

  1. I also like to paint, but for some reason I haven't done it in all this time. Take care Carolina, Regards!


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