lunes, 24 de mayo de 2021

My Future Job

 Hello everyone!!

Today i will talk about my future job. 

In the future I would like to work in the clinical area of psychology, or in the area of criminology or forensic psychology. For this I would work in an office within a hospital or similar, although I would also like to open my own practice. Regarding what I would like my work space to be like, well...I would love to work in an office that has nice views and a big window through which, lots of light comes in, the place would have to be spacious and decorated in a homey way, so that when patients come in they feel comfortable and at home. In addition, I would like to have several plants and decorative pictures.

One of the things that interests me most in life is research, especially investigating different realities and types of people, so I would like to travel in different parts of the world, so if my job allows me to travel I would be very grateful.

Regarding the salary, I would like it to be enough for my transportation and living expenses, as well as to treat myself once in a while and be able to travel.

Actually I'm studying psychology, and in the future I would like to deepen my knowledge in the clinical or forensic area (as I said before), so I am planning to do a master's or doctorate outside the country.

That's all, se you later! :3

3 comentarios:

  1. It is incredible! it is very similar to what I want. I hope you achieve everything you want. Regards!!

  2. Very good. There are two small mistakes: you must use research when you are learning about human activity; the second is you should say travel to different parts....


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