martes, 11 de mayo de 2021


Hello again!

Today I will talk about what it is like to study psychology at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Chile in times of pandemic. 

The reason why I choose this career stars when before to take the PSU, I had an existential crisis, where I was very interested in the area of Psychology, the human mind and everything related with it. Later I understood that psychology is present in everything we do. Now I can say that I like it because through the understanding of this discipline we can understand ourselves.

The truth is that studying online is not easy at all, sometimes the connection fails, which makes it impossible to continue studying or doing work. Therefore, my experience at the University has been somewhat chaotic, but in spite of everything, I have liked a lot the classes and topics that I have learned.

At the moment, one of my favorite subject has been  "basic learning processes", because I think it is interesting to know what are the mechanisms of which we learn different things, and how they define, to some extent, the way that we will behave in certain situations.

In the future I would like to work in the clinical or forensic area, and conduct research that brings new knowledge to psychology.

Thanks for reading this blog, until next time :3!

2 comentarios:

  1. I also like the subject you mentioned! I hope you have a better connection for the next classes :( Regards!

  2. Good work. The title is misspelled, Psychology. Also, you should write I chose this career....


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