miércoles, 30 de junio de 2021

English Language Challenges

Hello everyone!

As you know this will be our last blog, so I'll tell you about my experience in the English course this semester.

First of all, I feel that my experience learning English at the university has been quite good, I have learned some things that I didn't know before and I have practiced my pronunciation a little more. However, I wish there were more opportunities to speak English with my classmates, I feel that if the videos we have to record could be done in pairs, establishing a dialogue with this person, it would be much more entertaining and we could improve our pronunciation even more.

Secondly, I found the use of blogs quite convenient, I think the site is easy to use and I also feel that this type of activity encourages our creative side and helps us to learn new words and investigate how certain things are spelled.

Thirdly, although I feel that I have improved a bit in my English, I feel that I still have a long way to go to reach the level I want to reach. I would like to learn more words and get better at creating sentences in everyday conversations, because when I am in a conversation with another person in English, I manage to understand most of what the other person is talking about, however, when it comes to generating a response I draw a blank. I have planned to improve on this in the next semester and also to take some English course outside of the university later on.

Fourthly and lastly, apart from classes I usually use English when listening to songs and singing them in English, I have always been a big fan of music, and knowing some English helps me to understand the meaning of the songs of my favorite artists.

Thanks, until next time :3!

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi, I also think blogging is convenient and easy to use.

  2. learning by listening to music in English is very useful to learn the language, and I think it is a very good proposal to make a video dialogue in pairs. Regards!


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English Language Challenges

Hello everyone! As you know this will be our last blog, so I'll tell you about my experience in the English course this semester. Firs...