domingo, 13 de junio de 2021

Post Graduated Studies

Hello everyone!

In this blog I'll tell you about the future. What I plan to do when I finish my career?

I have thought about it a lot, and I have concluded that I would like to study a full-time either a master's or doctorate degree in clinical psychology, neuroscience area or criminology area at Yale University in United States.

I still can't decide in which of the three areas mentioned above I would like to specialize, as they all appeal to me in one way or another.

In the first place, clinical psychology interests me because I like the intimate relationship I have with each of my patients. In addition, I feel that many interesting things can be discovered by observing different people (with their different realities and life experiences) who have the same or similar disorders. Secondly, I find the area of neuroscience really amazing, since I love biology, especially how the brain works and all that is involved in its malfunction. Thirdly and lastly, criminology is within my options since, some years ago I started to watch videos of real police cases, and I was very interested in how everything related to this subject works, and how interesting and creepy the psychological profiles of some criminals are.

I would like to study at Yale because my father did a postdoctoral degree there, and I also like their study programs. Another reason to study in the United States is because I would like to go back to the country where I was born, because even though I was born and raised there during the first years of my life, my memories of that time are blurred, so with this experience of studying in one of the most important universities in the world, it should remain in my memory.

Thanks for reading this blog, until next time :3!

4 comentarios:

  1. The postgraduate studies that you would like to do sound very interesting, I hope you can achieve your goals.

  2. you have interests very similar to mine! I hope you get everything you want. Regards!

  3. Hi Caro, I loved your post and I believe that clinical psychology is a very important area of psychology.

  4. Hi Caro, I loved your post and I believe that clinical psychology is a very important area of psychology.


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